Maytronics (Dolphin) Australia

Maytronics (Dolphin) Australia

Maytronics (Dolphin) Australia

You'll find a range of Dolphin™ Maytronics products at Irrigear Lowood.

Founded in 1983, Maytronics was the pioneer in automated electronic pool cleaning technology for domestic pools and commercial pools, developing the world-renowned Dolphin™ robotic pool cleaners. Over the years, Maytronics became the acknowledged market leader, setting worldwide standards for unmatched technological innovation coupled with highly aesthetic designs. Our proven technology backed by outstanding service, led to the establishment of an extensive global distribution network. Together with our partners, we seek outstanding quality products and services which provide our customers with an exceptional experience.

Pool Cleaning Made Easy. As your local Dolphin™ Maytronics Elite Dealer, Irrigear Lowood is where you'll find the world's leading Dolphin™ Robotic Pool Cleaners – proven and effective solutions delivering high-performance and energy-efficient pool cleaning. Enjoy all the benefits of a constantly clean pool with little effort. Dolphin™ robotic pool cleaners have always been at the forefront of pool cleaner innovation – so you'll enjoy a superior pool experience every day! With a Dolphin™ pool cleaner, you'll use less chemicals and consume less electricity. No wonder Dolphin™ is the world's leading robotic pool cleaner!

Bring in a sample of your pool water for FREE testing, and advice on adjustments you might need to keep your pool healthy and looking its best all year round.

  • Dolphin™ Maytronics Elite Dealer
  • Dolphin™ Domestic Range (including M Series & S Series )
  • Dolphin™ Commercial Range
  • Save Money & Time
  • Pool Cleaning Made Easy!
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Maytronics (Dolphin) Australia

Exceptional Pool Experience.

Our mission is to provide the Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Islands with Exceptional Pool Experiences. We will achieve this by providing unparalleled service, support and training to our network of dealers. We look forward to seeing more and more end users embracing the Dolphin™ Technology Advantage and benefiting from a cleaner, easier to maintain and environmentally friendly pool.


Talk to the team at Irrigear Lowood to find out more about Dolphin™ Maytronics range of Robotic Pool Cleaners and which are right for you to keep your pool healthy and looking good all year round.



Irrigear Lowood